Over the last two decades I have witnessed an increase in certain symptom complexes and diseases. I had the opportunity to practice in over 25 locations in the DFW Metroplex over a period of 8 years. During this time, I saw patterns of disease based on locations. In the more urban areas insomnia, anxiety and tachycardia were prevalent. The more rural areas did not have these issues at near the same level. It made me think about the environment and its relation to health as the genetic patterns were likely similar. That experience made an impact on me that led me to consider environmental exposures as more central to health outcomes. I then had the opportunity to work at the Environmental Health Center of Dallas and learned so much from Dr. Rea about how the environmental impacts our health. Our genetics are important, but it is the environment that creates the consequences. Genetics load the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger.
History of Exposure
The internet revolution began in 1992- since that time the incidence of diseases like cancer, dementia, Parkinson’s, autoimmune disease, depression, suicide, ADHD, and autism have skyrocketed. Seemingly, this is likely multifactorial with the changes in our environment in addition to increasing exposure to radiation from technology we use on a regular basis. Electromagnetic frequencies have been known to effect health for decades in both positive and negative ways. The United States military and NASA have been researching the effects of microwave frequency energy since the 1960’s. Russia also has many identifiable studies on the impacts to human health that are available online (please see references). There are literally thousands of research articles on the subject most indicating harm. Many of the studies are industry funded and have mixed results. Concerns over the harms from electromagnetic energy have been sited in the news recently due to the impending implementation of 5g. It is uncertain how these new higher frequency waves will impact both the intricate interfaces of human neurologic and cellular activity as well as how this will impact nature, plants, animals and insects. These 5g waves will be closer to the spectrum of waves termed “ionizing”. Ionizing waves cause genetic damage and significant irreversible harm. Many researchers believe that even lower frequency waves cause genetic damage but in a more indirect way. Many mechanisms exist that allow these waves to cause interference with our delicate neurologic and biochemical cellular operational systems. Not only do these cause health issues but more importantly these interferences can lead to decreased quality and zest for life.
In the past it was known that pacemakers are effected by microwave energy waves and patients were told to avoid environments with microwave energy. Signs were placed at the entrance of restaurants with microwaves in use. Pacemakers are now protected by shielding devices but the delicate electrical human heart is not. Cellular technology uses the frequencies of microwave energy. One of the consequences of pulsing electromagnetic fields is tachycardia and arrhythmias through the opening of calcium ion channels.
Known Health Consequences
The following are some of the identifiable consequences of electromagnetic frequencies.
Symptoms caused by electromagnetic signals:
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Ringing in the ears or tinnitus
- Tachycardia or arrythmias
- Headaches
- Difficulty with learning or concentration
- Memory issues
- Burning eyes
- Rashes on the skin and radiation dermatitis
- Neuropathy, numbness and tingling
- Muscle twitches and cramping
- Increased pain responses
Dr. Mallory-Blythe explains EHS very poignantly here:
It seems that the ratio of surface area to body mass seems to impact the sensitivity of the individual to these energies. This makes smaller vertebrates more susceptable and those with impaired energy production or mitochondrial issues are also more impacted. Water is a great transmitter of waveforms and electricity and the human body is over 70% water. Fat and myelin on the other hand, protect nerves and axons from the energy being carried in the air and act as insulators. Does this mean that leaner individuals will be more effected? Dr. Philip Ortega at UTDallas did a study on the effects of radiofrequency energy on damaged nerves and found that damaged nerves are more sensitive and transmit pain signals in response to exposure to certain frequencies. Essentially, nerve tissue uses electricity and chemical signals to transmit signals to and from the brain. We know this by our use of electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms to evaluate the electrical signals within the heart and brain. Electromagnetic radiation and fields cause an opening of calcium ion channels that are used by cells to create an electric differential across cell membranes. This impairs the cells to recreate an action potential and cause the cells to fire too early, prematurely. The consequences of this are far reaching, but mainly impact highly active tissues like the heart, brain and gut. For any skeptics, I refer to the electric chair. Our bodies are definitely senstive to electricity and waveforms. It is understandable why the symptoms of electromagnetic energy are so diverse and involve many organ systems.
Through this mechanism electromagnetic fields also increase the nitric oxide pathway and increase peroxynitrite increasing inflammation in the tissues. Oxidized molecules turn on the immune system and through this mechanism can increase autoimmune disease and inflammation in tissue and brain. Electromagnetic waves open the blood brain barrier allowing the delicate brain to be less protected from the bloodstream toxins and chemicals. Martin Pall has found that these energies also will increase NMDA receptor activity further leading to neurologic issues and symptoms.
How to Protect Yourself
When I speak about electromagnetic energy people always bring up a show called something about Saul. They laugh, but curiously wonder if his complaints might be real. It took 25+ years to understand that smoking and asbestos caused health damage. Currently it will be hard to show a pattern because everyone is being exposed. It is not like smoking in that you do or you don’t. It is involving literally everyone. Please check out the references below to better understand how these energies effect health.
One of the first things I would recommend to protect yourself and evaluate your environment is by the purchase of a meter. I like a radiofrequency meter called the Safe and Sound Pro by Safe Living Technologies. It is impossible to know what you are being exposed to without measurement with a meter. This will help you to determine the sources in your home and work environments to help you determine how to decrease your overall exposure.
Here are some simple things you can do to dramatically decrease your exposure:
1. Turn off your wifi when not in use. You can purchase a timer to turn it off at night. Ethernet is an easy option that is effective to remove wifi all together. Just like smoking- how much does it take to cause harm? Would you want to smoke just one?
2. Do not place the phone on your body. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT USE THE PHONE NEXT TO YOUR HEAD. Use speaker function or wired headphones.
3. Turn off wifi AND bluetooth on devices when not using them. This includes tablets, computers, phones, printers ect.
4. Do not try to sleep next to a SMART meter. These are the meters that measure the energy coming into your home and send it wirelessly back to the electric company. These can also include any digital meters on electric, water or gas lines. Shielding can be used but consultation with a building biologist may be helpful. You can have these meters replaced with an analog meter, but this is becoming more difficult.
5. Get rid of cordless DECT phones in your home. These base stations transmit even when not in use.
6. DO NOT place baby monitors next to your bed and certainly not next to a baby!
7. Turn cell phones to airplane mode. Also, make sure you turn off bluetooth and wifi. You can use a feature called emergency bypass in contacts to receive important loved ones texts and calls.
8. Some devices may need to be unplugged to stop transmission. This would include many smart TV’s and printers.
9. Measure your work and sleeping environments to make sure they are measuring low. Less than 1 mwatts/m2 is best for your sleeping environment.
There are several companies that sell further shielding devices and equipment for measurement but the above changes can really make a big difference in your home environment. More dense areas are harder to impact and more shielding may be needed to protect from neighbors devices. It is an entirely new era we are entering and I hope that more people will take this seriously as the consequences are unthinkable.
Please check out the references below and there are many more on pub med/ncbi as well.
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